Valeria Mexico City Escort And Companion Service

If you come o Visit The Mexico City Area and you would like knowing: Shopping Malls, Tourist Centers, go to a fine Dining Restaurant or if you prefer to remain in your Room Hotel, Enjoying The Intimacy of The Moment, Being Accompanied by a Pretty Woman...

I’m Valeria 42-Year-Old Woman, 5'7, 154 lbs Breastcup C, Sophisticated, Elegant, Sexy White Blonde, Blue Eyes, Attractive, luscious lips, Curvaceous hips & Sexy feet

Between Us I'm an Aviation Flight Attendant in My Regular Job

I’m Speak English...

Being by My Side you will feel Comfortable and Proud!

My Dress Style is Elegant, Sexy and Discreet

Absolute Safety and Discretion

My Services--Unrushed & Mutually Pleasurable

GFE: Girl Friend Experience

*Prior Appointment Only*

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WhatsApp 55 25381008

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